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Opens Osteria Francescana, Via Stella 22 Modena Italy


Michelin Guide One-Michelin-Star. Gambero Rosso Up and Coming Chef Award.


The world’s 50 restaurants 1st best restaurant in the world. Michelin Guide

«Since I was a kid I was Massimo Bottura — I was escaping from my older brother under the table in the kitchen and from down there, where my grandmother was defending me, in the meantime she was rolling pasta, i was looking at the world from another point of view. It’s what we do in Osteria Francescana every day.»

Massimo Bottura



Магомед Магомедов


Brad Farmerie took a year hiatus from college to move to London and witness firsthand the culinary revolution taking place in the UK.

Зураб Гаджиев


Four partners, 14 years, multiple disciplines rooted in hospitality.
New York-headquartered design-and-concept firm AvroKO.

Диана Расулова


Dan Rafalin has been immersed in the culinary world from the beginning of his career when he received a Grand Diplôme in culinary arts.

Патима Гусейнова


Evan Mattew prepares fish dishes and often does all fish butchering as well as appropriate sauces. This station may be combined with the saucier position.



  • Michelin Guide, One Michelin Star (2002)
  • Gambero Rosso, Up and Coming Chef Award (2002)
  • ESPRESSO Guide Performance of the Year (2004)
  • Lo Mejor de La Gastronomía, International Award (2005)
  • ESPRESSO Guide, Dinner of the Year (2005)
  • Veronelli Guide, Three Stars (2005)
  • MICHELIN Guide, Two-Michelin-Stars (2006)
  • Golosaria, Creative Restaurant of the Year (2006)
  • Identità Golose, Best Creative Chef (2007)
  • Gambero Rosso, Three Forks (2007)
  • ESPRESSO Guide, Rating 19,520 (2009)
  • The World’s 50 Best Restaurants, Highest New Entry (2009)
  • Les Grandes Tables du Monde (2010)
  • ESPRESSO Guide, Highest rating recorded 19,7520 (2010)
  • Identità Golose, Chef of the Year (2010)
  • BMW Guide, Restaurant of the Year (2010)
  • Michelin Guide, Three Michelin Stars (2011)
  • Gambero Rosso Guide, Best Restaurant Rating 95 (2012)
  • “ESPRESSO” Guide, Best Restaurant Rating 19,75 (2012)
  • Touring 2012 Guide, Best Restaurant Rating 93 (2012)
  • ESPRESSO Guide, Rating 1920 (2007)
  • Gambero Rosso, Three forks (2008)


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Будние дни 9.00 – 18:00
Суббота 10.00 – 17:00
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+7 988 888 88 88

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